Friday, March 23, 2012

March 19 - 26 schedule

  Monday, March 19:
1. Passed out packet (voted upon by classes to continue because it helped most).
2. Go over section 1 in packet
Homework: Vocabulary from section 2 (given last Thursday but not assigned until today)

Tuesday, March 20:
1. Pass in vocabulary
2. Read and go over section 2
Homework: none

Wednesday, March 21:
1. Latitude and longitude activities
Homework: none

Thursday, March 22 - Friday, March 23:
1. Tracking a hurricane lab
~ Pass out packets (passed them out to periods 1, 2, and 5 yesterday)
2. I modeled the first three steps and then the first two points from the coordinates given on step four.
3. Students should finish the tracking and answer the analysis questions. Friday we will go over them during the second half of class.
Homework: none

Monday, March 26:
1. Section 3 of packet
Homework: Finish anything from section 3 that we did not finish in class. Most classes will not have any homework.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

March 12 - 16 tentative schedule w/homework

Monday, March 12:
1.Pass back graded papers (ask if students like the packets and would like to continue using them)
2. Bingo review game
Homework: Study for tomorrow’s test; you may make one sheet of notes, one side only, to use with test. You are not allowed to put the steps of the experiment on it and these should be handwritten not typed.

Tuesday, March 13:
1. Test
Homework: Vocabulary - Chapter 3 section 1

Wednesday, March 14:
1. Pass in vocabulary
2. Start reading section 1 of chapter 3. Either do page in packet or review questions depending on the vote of the students on Monday.
Homework: Finish review or page in packet if not done in class

Thursday, March 15:
1. Go over last night’s homework. Students can start tonight’s homework if time is left.
Homework: Vocabulary - Chapter 3 section 1

Friday, March 16: Staff-in-Service -> NO SCHOOL Enjoy the 3-day weekend!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

March 5 - 9 tentative schedule

This will be a short and sweet schedule.
Over the course of the week, the rest of Chapter 2 will be covered as well as review of some of the material. Timing will depend on what the students grasped last week and what they are still struggling with. There will be a test covering Chapter 2 and the steps of the experiment again sometime next week so students should start reviewing the material now. I will not be providing retakes.

Homework for the week
: Vocabulary from the rest of the chapter; assigned when we read the section. If we start a worksheet in class over a section and it does not get finished in class it will become the responsibility of the student to finish it for homework so that we can cover it the next day quickly.

1. Pass in the weather charts if not done so. Was due last Friday but have postponed due date to today.
2. Pass in the packet that contains Chapter 2 sections 1, 2, and 3 (staple them together before passing in if this was not done last Tuesday).
3. If needed, go over any questions over sections 2 and 3. Answer review questions.
4. Continue with items started Friday in class located on the moodle.

Tuesday - Friday:
Continue with Chapter 2
Worksheets over the rest of the sections.