Sunday, March 11, 2012

March 12 - 16 tentative schedule w/homework

Monday, March 12:
1.Pass back graded papers (ask if students like the packets and would like to continue using them)
2. Bingo review game
Homework: Study for tomorrow’s test; you may make one sheet of notes, one side only, to use with test. You are not allowed to put the steps of the experiment on it and these should be handwritten not typed.

Tuesday, March 13:
1. Test
Homework: Vocabulary - Chapter 3 section 1

Wednesday, March 14:
1. Pass in vocabulary
2. Start reading section 1 of chapter 3. Either do page in packet or review questions depending on the vote of the students on Monday.
Homework: Finish review or page in packet if not done in class

Thursday, March 15:
1. Go over last night’s homework. Students can start tonight’s homework if time is left.
Homework: Vocabulary - Chapter 3 section 1

Friday, March 16: Staff-in-Service -> NO SCHOOL Enjoy the 3-day weekend!